See, I'm largely devoid of rhythm. Can't dance, and should never play the drums. Back when I played an instrument in school, I could never feel the beat. I understand pitch, and mostly get melody, but not timing.
But lyrics I get. I really love trying to pry the secrets from them. My favorite bands tend to have really clever lyrics. And then there are musicians where I love 2 or 3 songs they've done but just don't care at all for anything else they produce. My favorite songs (by them, or just about any band) are the ones with the most subtle and tricky lyrics. I'm like a lyrical archaeologist or something. The more layers of meaning you can shovel off the top of a song, the more it appeals to me.
Secondary to that (and it's a distant second by a marathon margin) is unexpected quirky instrumentation. If there's one track on an album with accordion, steel guitar, glockenspiel, pan-pipe, double bass and powerdrill, it'll find a place in my heart. If on the fourth listening I realize the lyrics are about something different than I thought they were on my first play-through, I'll be hooked.

That's why it blew my mind so much that Beatallica actually appealed to me. While presumably the lyrics have something to do with the Beatles originals, or the Metallica song they blended into it, all you can really make out is a few "Hyeah!"'s and a "Lame-Ass Poser!" where they shouldn't be. I have no real idea what they're singing. And the instruments were just electric guitar and drum. Yet it somehow works for me. That's pretty rare.
And it implies there's actually something else going on in my grey matter to account for what I like - something that just manifests the evidence of lyricism. But I don't know what it is.
Oh I know what it is! That "something else" going on in the gray matter. I like gray better than grey so I am using that one. Anyway the problem with your gray matter is you have a temporal leak caused from a malfunctioning nano bot implanted by the zorgons. Either ask them to replace it or have someone tie you to the hood of a car and run your head into a solid brick wall at around 23 miles per hour terminate the bot. This happen to me a few months back.
Oh, thanks. I'll have to try that. Good ol' Brad, always there for his peeps.
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