Friday, November 16, 2007


I've been reluctant to adopt mobile technology after a one week trial that ended badly. The most recent complaints I've heard from those who do use such things have typically revolved around what they perceive as a conspiracy to get people into the stores for a sales pitch by updating the platforms with faulty code and then telling the users to visit their nearest retailer to have it taken care of. Could something like Android put an end to that? What new paranoias could it breed?

This feels like I should be Pointing and Giggling.

Very cool, but I still don't see myself going mobile any time soon. Ludites Unite! Txt me 4 grp 1nv1te.


X said...

I finally gave in and bought a mobile phone a couple years ago after some strong hinting and a very large bonus from my boss.

David said...


rbbergstrom said...

I successfully resisted repeated pressures (to go mobile) from my old boss (well, the old boss before my old boss). That would have been hellish, no doubt.

Never offered me a big bonus for it though. Not that I really regret not having the opportunity to sell out, but it's the prinicipal of the thing.

I mean you don't really want to play fiddle with the devil, but you kinda want to be able to write a song about "that time the devil himself tried to give me a golden fiddle." Yaknowhatimean?