The Aussies offered me some inspiration for a Google journey today. It started with the headline announcing
Barmaid fined over beer can breast trick.
Showing patrons she could crush beer cans between her exposed breasts has cost a West Australian barmaid $1,000. Hanging spoons on the barmaid's nipples also cost one of her co-workers $500, while their bar manager was fined $1,000 for failing to stop the pair, police said in a statement.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to put a stop to such things, let alone make it illegal with stiff fines. It's a bizarre world we live in.

But it got me thinking about beer and boobs. Not that I don't already spend a good portion of each day pondering porter and pairs, but never before had I found myself wondering what might the internet have to share on the topic. So I did a Google image search. The first
tit hit looked promising. Yes, this was exactly the kind of thing I expected to exist out there.

But the search seemed to dry up a bit after that.
Nice try ladies, but that's cheating. Your bikinis, not your breasts, are really keeping your beverages cozy and convenient.

Like this gal here. She is using her natural assets to advertise that she isn't picky and doesn't mind it cheap and nasty. It's very big of her to openly admit it. And what sort of lusty intentions would cross my mind if she had
black and tan breasts? That might prove too much for me.

Then there was the ridiculous device on an even more ridiculous beer. Can you even call that beer? Besides, I have no problems alternating between sipping and sucking.
Update!Special thanks to a special someone for sharing this link on the subject of
titties and beer. This is an even more ridiculous product. Not only do you
not get alcohol, but why cover fake boobs? Besides the obvious mechanisms of animatronics where-by the strings are pulled to make them jiggle.
Freeboobs! (It's more fun)
...or Free Beer!
Went and read the article you linked to. Interesting that the fines had to do with their liquor liscense. Apparently Australian law protects the public by insisting you only hang spoons on nipples while sober. I wonder if there's a law preventing the haning of spoons within 200 feet of a school?
Is shitty beer the only kind that fits between a set of tits? I don't see a single New Castle or Guinness anywhere. Really any sort of a quality porter would be fine.
I'd like to see some titties holding a Foster's tinny.
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