Thursday, September 6, 2007

Brilliant Idea

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of retirement. I'm actually not doing to bad on that front in that I've been maxing out my 401k match since I was 25. Besides I'm in a profession where no one ever retires anyway. At age 65 when most workers are thinking about buying a Buick and moving to Florida, architects are just starting to get some name recognition. Still, I thought of a great plan to avoid saving for retirement. Once you start getting too infirm to work for a living anymore--rob a bank! If it goes well you'll have a pile of easy money. If not, then the State will provide you with free food, housing and medical care. It's a win-win.

That song will be spinning on my cranial turntable for days.


Unknown said...

My retirement plan is to become a pirate. Last weekend my campaign manager and I were scoping out The Sound for suitable vessels we could steal for such a venture.

X said...

Excellent, then you can take me "fishing".