Monday, July 9, 2007

Gaming good?

How the fuck am I supposed to know how to raise my kids with all these experts giving me conflicting information? For years they've been harping on how bad video games are for children, but now:
Researchers from Brunel University spent three years studying 13-16-year-olds who play a leading web-based game.

And far from becoming pale prisoners of their own bedrooms, regular players were found to enhance rather than restrict their imagination, the study found.
What do they expect us parents to do? Decide how best to raise our kids ourselves?

On a related note, the other night I was listening to Dave Ramsey when an PSA with some scold from the Parents Television Council came on. I lost it and shouted back at the radio "If you don't want your kids watching sex and violence then TURN OFF THE TV!!!"

At which point my 2 year-old son started jumping up and down shouting, "TURN OF THE TV! TURN OF THE TV!"

I have never been so proud.


Unknown said...

Beer is evil. Beer has some health benefits.

Smoking in moderation can boost the immune system. Smoking is going to kill a third of our population.

The internal combustion engine made possible the modern world we live in and powers one of the greatest killers the world has ever seen.

Antibiotics save lives and eventually lead to antibiotic resistant strains of viruses.

Turn off the TV, live life, raise your kids, and if they don't die or kill before the age of 21, you've done your job.

X said...

I'm surprised I didn't say "TURN OFF THE FUCKING TV!" That would have been more my style, and it would have been fun hearing him repeat that. ...Especially with my parents coming to visit next week.

List with Laszlo said...

TV can also be educational...I was watching the news the other day when the Muslim bombing of the airport in Glascow came on. My four year old son smacked his forhead with the palm of his hand and said, "Not again!" The Muslims are giving our young ones a hell of an image of themselves via TV. A picture can be worth a thousand words.

More on subject, the military recruits gamers to fly their drones because they already posses the skills to control them.