Friday, October 24, 2008

Wait, Who Am I Fucking? (NSFW)

I've discovered one of my limits. It's always fun to find out where I draw the line.

Stoya has a new porno being released by Digital Playground called Stoya, Sexy Hot. To view the trailer just sign up for the DP trailer podcast. One of the scenes in the film features the Love Twins, Lacey and Lyndsey, with a guy.

For some reason doing twins is part of the American male pornographic fantasy. As a freshman in high school I ran on the cross country team with a pair of good looking twin seniors. Like any hormone riddled high school kid I would have jumped at the chance to fuck either one of them. But I never fantasized about doing both of them at once. Just like I never harbored fantasies of fucking sisters who weren't twins. Nor have I ever fantasized about a mother/daughter combo. I'm just not an 'all in the family' kind of guy.

But identical twins has an added twisted element. It may be fun to have a pair of gals blindfold you and make you try to guess who it is you are fucking. I don't see the appeal in having to guess which gal I'm fucking while looking at both of them. Is this Lyndsey on my face and Lacey riding my cock or the other way around?

Maybe I just don't feel I could handle the pressure. Sex is about both giving and receiving. In a good threesome everybody involved should be giving and receiving with the others involved. If a pair of twins started getting hot and heavy with each other, it would be kind of freaky for me and not in a good way. If they didn't, that would put extra pressure on me to balance my attention to each of them. Am I paying enough attention to who I am fucking or has this vagina on my tongue taken precedent? Is one of the gals receiving more boob time than the other? Bend them over side by side and one-two-three switch one-two-three switch...

I'm not saying what they are doing is wrong. It may just be the culmination of the American Dream. There was an open market and they filled it. In exchange they are paying their own way through school. That is certainly applaudable. Kudos to this adventuresome duo. Definitely not my kink, but bless their hearts for filling a niche.

Now if only there were an easy way to tell them apart while filming...

Ah, yes, shoes. Genius!


X said...
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X said...

It wouldn't be a problem at all if you believed that life begins at conception. That would mean that identical twins are not really separate individuals, but one person with two bodies.

Unknown said...

Granted, if I believed life begins at conception then when the two of them got all over each other it would simply be masturbation.

But while I currently am very much in support of masturbation, if I was the type of individual who believed that life begins at conception then I most likely would also believe that masturbation was a sin and probably all that 'one man, one woman' wait until you are married bullshit. With that sort of fucked up head space I could probably convince myself that marrying twins is really marrying one woman, but I don't think I could convince the county clerk of that.

I may have just proven that the government does not believe life begins at conception.